Happy Thanksgiving 2024
We wanted to take a few minutes this morning to wish all of the readers of the Two Classy Chics blog a Happy Thanksgiving! It’s a great day to be thankful for so many different things. This year our family has been through a lot. With love and support we’ve gotten through them. I’m thankful for all of our family and friends!
When it comes to your Thanksgiving holiday meal…what kinds of foods do you enjoy? We serve a ham and a turkey for the main dish along with at least 5 different side dishes and 4-5 different desserts. We make so much food that family members come to our home with empty containers so that they can take home leftovers to enjoy the next day!
After we all eat….some of us sit down to watch the football game on TV while others will play board and card games. It’s a long day that starts around 6 am. I’m lucky if I fall into bed before midnight. It’s a day I look forward to every year.
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at the TCC blog!