Bioengineered Food Ingredients Hidden in Your Foods
Have you taken a good look at the ingredients on the labels of the foods you normally buy? If not, you really need to! Over the past 4-5 years things have changed and you may of not noticed that some of the ingredients in your favorite foods have changed! I typically only read ingredients labels on new foods or brands that I buy. If I’ve been buying such and such product for a long time…I don’t. Bad me!!!
Earlier this month I decided to take a look as some of the labels of foods we buy on a regular basis. To my shock and horror I found that Bioengineered Food is being inserted into some of the things I’ve purchased for years!!! Say what? Yeah! Take a look at this label from a frozen sandwich. We buy a few every month for my husband to pack in his lunch for work. Little did we know they are now putting bioengineered ingredients into it! Let’s just say…we haven’t bought them again.
Notice that the label says “Contains Bioengineered Food Ingredients” but it doesn’t tell you what those ingredients are! What exactly is it??? Why don’t they SPELL IT OUT on the label as to what they put in it? Hmmm…probably something that would gross most of us out is my guess! If you want to know exactly what is in it that is bioengineered you need to contact the manufacturer to ask. Good luck with that!
So here’s my warning…make sure you’re regularly reading those food labels and ingredient’s lists. Things can change at any moment and you wouldn’t notice! I personally don’t want to be ingesting bioengineered ingredients. I have no problem with people who don’t care about that issue but I do. As a consumer, it really irks me off that foods that I’ve purchased for years now have “new bioengineered ingredients” in them that weren’t in them before!!! Just another thing that as consumers we have to worry about when shopping at the grocery store.