5 Tips for Long Islanders to Avoid Becoming a Pedestrian Accident Statistic
Long Island is the largest and most populous island in the United States. It is home to some of the most expensive mansions in the country and has a high cost of living. It is also, unfortunately, no stranger to pedestrian accidents.
If you’re a resident of Long Island or just visiting, it’s best to stay cautious on the road. Despite this, however, if you find yourself in an accident, Long Island pedestrian accident lawyers will be able to help you.
5 Tips for Pedestrians to Stay Safe
While you can’t control accidents, there are things you can do to avoid being in one. In this section, we will detail some tips pedestrians can follow to stay safe on the road.
1. Stay alert
The first and most obvious thing to do is to stay alert. While you’re on the street, pay attention to where you’re going. You may accidentally step onto the street while a car is approaching.
Avoid distractions like listening to music or texting while you’re walking. You may not be able to hear the vehicles around you or see a light turn red if you do.
Using a mobile phone while walking is linked to high rates of pedestrian accidents. Save the texting for when you reach your destination or stop walking if you have to use your phone.
2. Use crosswalks
When you have to cross the road, use a crosswalk. You risk getting into an accident if you don’t. Follow the rules of the road and stick to pedestrian-designated areas to minimize the risk of accidents and stay safe.
Wait for the signal to turn green and check both ways before crossing the road. Even if you have the right of way, there’s a chance the driver didn’t notice you, so it’s better to check before crossing the street.
3. Stay visible
Wear bright clothing at night if you regularly walk on busy roads at night. This helps you stay visible to drivers. If your clothes are dark, they may not be able to see you and stop in time. Walk against the traffic so you can see where the vehicles are coming from and aren’t blindsided.
4. Be wary of parked cars
Pay attention when you pass cars, even if they’re parked, as the driver may not notice you and back out. This can lead to serious injuries. Don’t step into the path of a car that’s backing out, and make sure you’re visible to the driver if you’re passing a parked car.
5. Avoid walking on the street if you’re drunk
When people are drunk, they can’t perceive distances well or make decisions properly. If you’re on the street on your own when you’re inebriated, there’s a chance you could hurt yourself or get into an accident. Avoid walking on your own, or if you have to, make sure you have a friend accompany you.
While the overall trends in pedestrian accidents have improved over the years, pedestrians are unfortunately still at risk while on the road. It’s essential to, therefore, stay vigilant and follow a few tactics like those listed in this article to stay safe on the streets.