Would You Pay Extra for Premium Hospital Food and Meals?
Hospitals…they’re notoriously known for having terrible food options for their patients. Typically the food is bland, basic and offers nothing for your tastebuds to enjoy. It’s been like that for decades, although it has gotten a little better the past few years. While hospitals are not gourmet restaraunts…they do need to improve on their menu options for patients. They can and should do better!
One thing that I think they should consider is…premium menu options. While your food is covered under your insurance plan while you’re there…I think they should offer some gourmet menu options! I know as a frequent patient that I would certainly pay for better menu options while I’m in there.
The one hospital that I use a lot only offers 3 different flavors of jello…of course the 3 ickiest flavors. They only offer chocolate or vanilla ice cream and when it comes to fresh fruit…oranges, apples and bananas. While these are okay choices…I think if patients were given a choice that some would pay extra to have premium menu offerings. I know that I would. Eating the bland stuff for 1-3 days is one thing…but eating it for 2-3 weeks is another!
I’m not asking them to provide gourmet steaks, lobster tails, crab legs and stuff like that…but I’m asking them to give patients more options…even if we have to pay for them!