Newage All Natural Hemp Oil Dietary Supplement
For the past few months I’ve been really feeling my age (over 60). My bones and joints ache from time to time, I’m not getting as much sleep as I would like and I’m finding it harder and harder to relax. A friend of mine recommended that I try some hemp oil dietary supplement. Boy, I’m so glad that I did!
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I purchased Newage All Natural Hemp Oil Dietary Supplement from Amazon. It’s all natural and contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives. It’s made in the U.S.A. not overseas from some place you never heard of. It’s rich in essential nutrients that the body needs as well as fatty acids. It has no nasty after-tastes…has a light minty flavor that I find to be pleasant.
It comes with a dropper in a bottle, so it’s easy to use. You fill up the dropper. You can place it underneath your tongue for 30 to 60 seconds (then swallow) or squirt the dropperful into your favorite beverage. I like to sometimes put it in my hot tea before bedtime. On the weekends I’ll often put it into a fruit smoothie or a cup of decaf coffee. You can take it either way.
Over the past month…I’ve seen positive results. I’m not a healthcare professional, just sharing my Joe-Schmoe opinion with you. I’m finding it easier to relax and unwind in the evening. I find that I’m sleeping better at night. My bones and joints ache LESS and that’s a big thing for me since I still work a grueling job. I’m pleased with the results that I’m seeing and looking forward to seeing even more.
If you’re looking for 100% natural hemp oil to use as a dietary supplement check out the Hemp Oil by NewAge on Amazon.
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Disclosure: Product was personally purchased by the writer who paid full price. He/She is sharing his/her unbiased and honest opinion about the product with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. The writer is NOT a healthcare professional. Please consult your own healthcare professional before taking any dietary health supplements. Thank you.