I cannot be trusted around puppies or kittens. There is a good chance I will take them home with me. A dog’s unconditional love and a cat’s lazy tolerance of us are priceless. Pets and working animals warm our hearts, families, and homes and enrich our lives. All animal lovers can agree that training is necessary, but what training and how it is implemented is a very personal choice.
I am not a professional trainer. I grew up with hunting dogs, and have enjoyed the company of both dogs and cats most of my life. Potty training can be the most patience-demanding task. Everything else seems simple in comparison. Those natural urges to “let go” take time to reign in.
Have you considered participating in puppy training Inner West, in Sydney? Sending your dog to obedience school will teach them to follow commands. If you don’t know the commands or how to use them; what is the point of sending your dog? You will build a deeper, more enjoyable relationship with your pets when you can communicate.
You will learn to encourage, mentally stimulate, and reward your pet properly. Bad habits in pets, like our own, are hard to break. As puppies or kittens, everything is new, and what they do for the first time is how they assume it should go. Puppies especially are easily distracted.
A confident pet is a friendly pet that socialises rather than switching to “defence mode” in all situations. It will be alert in its environment, relaxed, and not afraid to explore. A pet that hides is afraid of something. Fear, as we know it, can be conquered with education and love.
As they bond with us in training, boundaries get established, and promoting good behaviour in their life will be easier. Our chores for their care become easier. Dogs are rarely self-aware, but intelligence can increase with education and emotional control developed.
Your home and family will be safer with a confident and trained pet. All family members should learn about animal habits and commands. The training is fun for the family. You will learn games to play that keep everyone active. An exercised dog is a happy and stable dog. Exercised kids lead to nap time and blissful silence.
Our pets reflect us and our energy as they imprint on us as family. A cute but unstable pet is not cute. Get to know your pet and help your pet know this world with proper training.