How to Remove Skins from Tomatoes
Making homemade spaghetti sauce? Salsa, tomato soup, catsup or some other tomatoe-based dish? If so, here’s how you can remove the skin from your ripe tomatoes. It’s an easy process and only takes a few minutes! Plus, I’ll tell you how to remove the majority of those tomato seeds too!
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Fill a large pan with hot water. Place it on the stove over medium-high heat. Add a sprinkle or two of table salt. While the water is heating up…get your tomatoes ready.
Wash them under cool water in your clean kitchen sink. Place them on a cutting board to core them. I remove the stem with a sharp paring knife. Rinse them again under cool running water in your kitchen sink. Use your fingers to dig the seeds out of the cavities within the tomato…rinsing the seeds down the sink. You will remove a lot of seeds by doing this.
Once the water is at a low boil…add the tomatoes into it. You need to blanch them in the hot water for 4-5 minutes. Once you see the skins starting to crack and peel…they’re done. Don’t cook them! Pour them in a colander in your clean kitchen sink with cold running water running over the top of the colander to cool them down. You need to stop the cooking process.
After they’re cool…peel the skins off. Cut each one into quarters. Rinse any remaining seeds away by holding it under a medium-strength stream of cold running water. By doing this…you should be able to rinse away 90% of the seeds without using a food mill or press…saving you time! They’re now ready for you to use in the recipe that you’re making.
If you can’t prepare the recipe right away…place them into an airtight container and refrigerate for a few hours until you’re ready to prepare the recipe. Don’t let them sit out at room temperature.
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