RV Life: 7 Myths and Facts You Need to Hear
If you are wondering what life is like as an RV owner, you have probably heard all sorts of tales and so-called facts about what RV life is actually like. As with most things, the only way you get a true perspective and learn how it really is, would be to hit the open road yourself in an RV.
If you search RV Calgary, for instance, you will be able to find a great vehicle to turn your destination dreams and ambitions into reality. It would also help to be able to separate fact from fiction and get an accurate lowdown of what to expect when you embrace the RV way of life.
Here are some things to know about going full-time in your RV.
Getting things straight about affordability
A good place to start would be to bust the myth about not being able to afford a full-time RV way of life.
The general perception is that this way of life might be too expensive. Naturally enough, there are expenses that you will incur as an RV owner. Repairs and paying for places to stay come to mind as obvious costs to consider.
However, you have the freedom to be able to earn money while on the road, so you definitely have the ability to fund this type of lifestyle.
The lifestyle is too nomadic
That’s an argument that you will hear frequently. Sure, you might miss seeing some of your family and friends so frequently, but not only is it easy to stay in touch via social media and things like Skype, but you are unlikely to be lonely on the road. This is because you will be constantly meeting new friends and making fresh connections.
The idea that you will be too lonely is a myth, according to those that have embraced RVing.
Won’t it be too difficult to live in an RV with dogs?
If you have pets to think about too, you might think that living in an RV won’t work. Most dogs, for instance, are very adaptable to their surroundings. They just want to be with you wherever you are, so you will find a way to make it all work.
I won’t have enough living space
On the same theme, another common misconception is that you won’t have enough space to live when you are living the RV life.
The bottom line is that you can always find an RV that is big enough, or adaptable enough to give you what you need.
What about health insurance?
Having an underlying health condition or wanting to know you have the right cover might be considered more challenging when you are calling your RV home.
You should be reassured to know that there are always available insurance options, so you can often get the cover you need.
I don’t have enough RV experience
Another common myth is that you need to be a seasoned RV veteran to even consider the idea of embracing a full-time RV life.
Life is all about gaining experience and learning from your mistakes along the way. That means you will soon have as much experience and know-how as you need after a short while in your RV.
A lack of internet will make things harder
A very modern challenge is to find a reliable internet connection so that you can stay in touch and meet your work obligations by working from home.
You might find some campgrounds where the WiFi connection is not the best, but these are in the minority. With the help of boosters, and numerous hotspots, plus a good level of coverage across many campgrounds, you shouldn’t find getting connected too problematic.
All of the perceived barriers to embracing the RV way of life can all be challenged and debunked, so what are you waiting for. Are you ready for the excitement and freedom that having an RV gives you?