Seeing the Seals at Sandy Hook in New Jersey
For years we’ve wanted to see the seals in their natural habitate and finally got the chance to go see them! Back in February we hit the road and headed to Sandy Hook in New Jersey. During the winter season you’ll often see seals hanging along the coast. We heard they were there and off we went! What a wonderful weekend trip.
We met a local resident while there who told us that you can typically see 3 different type’s of seals hanging around Sandy Hook during the winter season. They are: Atlantic Harbor Seal, the Harp Seal and the Grey Seal. It was hard to tell which type of seals these were (we used zoom on our camera to get the photo) but I believe they’re Atlantic Harbor Seals, although I could be wrong!
Here’s a fun fact: Did you know that these seals can live 20-35 years? Wow! The female seals gives birth to one single pup at a time. They can range from 5 foot to 8 foot in length. That’s larger than most of us! Absolutely an amazing experience to see them and if you ever get the chance I highly recommend that you go!