Please Dispose of Chewing Gum Properly!
Am I the only person in the world that hates chewing gum? I’ve always hated it…even as a kid! I find nothing exciting about putting a piece of “rubbery textured” goo in my mouth and chewing on it for hours. Ick, no thanks! I don’t care what it’s flavored with. I can suck on a Lifesaver or Mint if I need something flavorful in my mouth.
Today I want to gripe about chewing gum and how disgusted that I get when people don’t dispose it properly. I don’t understand why people think it’s okay to just spit it out onto the ground wherever they may be. Disgusting! Tramping into a wad of chewing gum is just as bad as tramping into dog poo! YUCK!
No one (that I know) likes stepping into chewing gum! It can be tough cleaning it off the soles of your shoes. No one like cleaning it off the wheels of a baby stroller or wheelchair either. The bottom of rollerskates, a skate board, roller blades, bicycle tires, scooter wheels, etc. Quit spitting it out onto the ground!!!
I know kids like chewing it on it and that’s okay…but Parents need to do their job to make sure it’s disposed of in the trash. Kids have a habit of spitting it out onto the ground and worse yet is when a child places a wad of it underneath a piece of furniture like a school desk. Oh yes, kids still do that these days! Janitors absolutely HATE scraping the gum off the bottom of school desks every year.
My husband has been a licensed HVAC Tech for the past 40 years. I can’t tell you how many times he’s went out on services calls for clogged drains and toilets due to people clogging them up with chewing gum! Seriously, who spits the wad into the sink? A toilet? Geesh. Not a cool way to get rid of it and it will cost you money in the end.
If you’re going to be chewing gum you need to be responsible with it and dispose of that nasty, sticky wad of gum properly. That means discarding it into the trash! Enough said.
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