TCC Week in Review for June 21st
Today is Friday, June 21st, 2024. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!
Quote of the Week:
Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. — Francis of Assisi
Finding Tony Starring STEPHEN BISHOP
The Karate Kid Celebrates its 40th Anniversary!
DynaTrap Outdoor Mosquito & Insect Killer
Wireless Rechargeable Neck Fans
General Posts, Recipes, Crafts and More:
Painted Beach Themed Seashell Party Favors
Painted Clam Seashells with Diecast Metal Cars Boy’s Birthday Party Favors
Is CBD Effective in Treating Anxiety, Depression, and Poor Sleep?
Tailgating and Road Rage – Unruly Drivers
The Benefits of Installing Window Blinds and Shades
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips for a Greener Home
Ham, Green Beans and Potato Soup Recipe with Home Canning Tips
Spring Cleaning Checklist What You Need to Do
Shelling – Collecting Seashells at the Jersey Shore
Mom’s Creamy Coleslaw Recipe
How do you feel about feral cat colonies? I have mixed feelings about it. I’m an animal loves…especially dogs and cats. I’ve parented several of them over my lifetime. I don’t want to see any animal suffer or be put down. We have a few feral cat problems in our community and I hate them! The cats are always sickly, under-weight, fight and they cause damage to property owners.
Rescue groups come out every once in awhile to live trap the feral cats. They take them into a vet to get fixed and given immunizations. Then released back into the feral cat colony. These cats are NOT adoptable. While I think that’s a noble idea…long term I don’t like it. ALL of the cats that I see running around are sick and malnourished. They look horrible, so I’m sure they feel horrible too. They’re left out there to fend for themselves and to suffer through whatever illness or injury they have. In my honest opinion, that’s no life. That’s suffering that eventually leads to death. On top of that is the property damage they cause to home owners and to vehicle owners. I just don’t see how this is a good program????