How to Clean Out Bird Nesting Boxes and Bird Houses
We have 4 large bird houses sprinkled around our property. Bird houses and nesting boxes need to be cleaned out twice a year…after and right before the breeding season. I like to do it in early October and again in early March. Cleaning them out invites new birds to come and keeps them germ-free.
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The first thing you want to do is remove the bird’s nest. You can ONLY remove empty nests that have no eggs or have been abandon according to Federal and State Laws. Wear a pair of disposable gloves when handling the nests and cleaning the bird houses. You’ll be amazed at how much bird poo is contained in one single nest or house!
In a water bottle with a spray nozzle I add regular tap water along with 4 capfuls of household bleach. Spray the water & bleach mixture inside the bird’s house and all over the outside. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes. You’ll need to rinse out that solution using a garden hose or by spraying it with clean water from another spray bottle. Let air dry naturally.
It is recommended that you dispose the bird’s nest in a compost pile, tossed out into the woods, etc. Give it back to nature. It’s illegal for you to KEEP the nest for personal or commerical use. That means no decorating with it, using it for crafts, etc. Again, wear disposable gloves any time you’re handling the nest!
Our photograph shows a large Robin’s nest that I had to clean out of a large bird house once the breeding season concluded. As you can see…the nest is quite large and over-sized. It took up 50% of the available space inside that house and originally housed the momma bird and 4 babies. It was nice to see the babies hatch, grow and fledge. An experience I look forward to every breeding season.
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