Recovering from an Addiction? 3 Reasons to Spend More Time Outdoors

Boulder ColoradoFor those in recovery, getting outside can be a powerful way to help them improve their lives and further their progress on the path to sobriety. For those who are recovering from addiction, being outdoors can help to reduce stress, avoid boredom, and help with sleep. There are plenty of fun ways to enjoy the outdoors and get all of the benefits from it, depending on a person’s preferences and what they want to try.

Help Reduce Stress

Stress can be a potential cause of relapse. While stress is a normal part of life, it’s important to avoid being too stressed, especially in the early days of recovery, and learn how to manage stress. For those in transitional living boulder, going outside can be an incredibly powerful way to reduce stress and start to feel relief, helping them avoid turning back to drugs or alcohol to handle the stress.

Avoid Boredom

Boredom is one reason many people end up relapsing while they’re in recovery. They don’t have anything to do, so they feel bored and turn back to alcohol or substances. Alleviating boredom can be difficult to do, especially for those who are learning how to do so without relapsing. One of the best ways to alleviate boredom is through exercise or hobbies, and going outside can be an excellent way to get more exercise or enjoy a new hobby.

Help With Sleep

Those who are suffering from addiction may also suffer from sleep dysfunction and a lack of sufficient sleep. It can be hard to get back to a normal sleep schedule, but being outdoors during the day can help. Getting more exercise and enjoying the sunshine can help encourage a better sleep pattern and naturally help reduce sleep dysfunction.

How to Spend More Time Outdoors

There are numerous ways to start spending more time outdoors. Some things to try include the following.

* Go on a Hike: Look for nature trails, shorter hikes, and ways to see more outside of the city. Start with short hikes and build up from there. Always be prepared for a hike with the right clothing and plenty of water.

* Start Running: Running is an excellent start to a new health regimen and can be done anywhere. On days when it’s nice outside, start running in nearby areas to get outside and see the local sites.

* Go Swimming: Swimming can be a great way to ease into exercise and be outdoors during the day. Those who don’t know how to swim can look into lessons and learn a valuable new skill.

* Go Biking: Biking is a great way to get around, but it also helps with getting outdoors and starting to exercise. Look into biking groups to find others who enjoy biking and like to ride together.

* Walk a Dog: This has numerous health benefits beyond just going outdoors. For those who don’t have a dog, look into local shelters. Many will appreciate volunteers who come to walk the dogs and help find them homes.

For those going through recovery, being outdoors can be incredibly beneficial and can help to address many issues they face. Try out some of the ideas here to spend more time outdoors and get the help it offers to make it through recovery and start a sober life.