Displaying Kid’s Refrigerator Art
When our daughter was a little girl I always looked forward to her bringing home various arts & crafts projects for me to display on the front of our refrigerator. Kids love seeing parents get excited over the things that they make and even more excited when we put those items out on display. Every week or two I would change-out the art piece to a new piece that she brought home.
Fast forward a few decades to now where we’re grandparents and have two grandchildren. I realized 3 months ago that I was missing all that refrigerator art that I used to see when our daughter was little. I contacted her about it and guess what? She’s going to start sending over a piece of the grandkid’s artwork every 2 weeks so I can display it on our refrigerator. Yay!
How many of you enjoy children’s refrigerator art? I’m talking about pages they colored, pictures they drew or paper items that they made? I’m so happy to finally see the art back on our refrigerator again! The current piece is a page that my 7 year old grandson colored-in for me. Every time I look at it it makes me smile!