Ridgway, CO: The Out-of-the-Way Place to Go in West Colorado

Colorado in United States USARidgway, Colorado has been famous for being horse country and wide-ranging ranchland, but now it’s gaining a considerable amount of attention and tourism fame for cannabis agriculture as well. The rural landscape is an interesting setting for an industry that only a decade before was underground and generally restricted to urban settings for actual retail activity. Now, with legalization well established, small businesses all over the state have been developing and growing, boosting local economies like that of Ridgway considerably.

Local Dispensaries Create Jobs and Economy

Small businesses like Mountain Annies Cannabis in Ridgway and others have been instrumental in adding jobs, sales tax revenue, and added tourism for other nearby businesses, and they also play a role in helping non-profit community organizations as well as with goodwill charity. So the economic footprint isn’t just limited to the direct sale for the seller and buyer; it has a ripple effect across multiple stakeholders in Ridgway month after month.

There is also a vibrant recreational environment around Ridgway too. The cross-pollination of different industries works to the advantage of all businesses involved because the increased traffic ends up producing secondary and tertiary sales as people come into town for what they specifically want and end up stopping at other venues for more due to immediate convenience. Again, that boosts all the economic elements noted above, as well as brings more commerce to the town on a regular basis.

The Town’s History is Very Different

The past history of Ridgway, however, has been very different economically. Much of what created the town in the first place was associated with silver mining and related industry support back in the 1800s. Whether it was direct geological work or secondary businesses providing equipment, food, supplies and more, mining was the name of the game for Ridgway well into the early 20th century.

Make a Point to Visit

Ridgway today offers visitors a great destination off the typical beaten path for Colorado tourism. Whether you just want to get away from the city and hectic stress for a weekend or you’re visiting the state and want something different from the usual Denver-Aspen perspective, Ridgway can deliver. Not to mention, with the local dispensary well-stocked, there’s plenty of opportunity to relax and regenerate in town or around any time of the year.

Ridgway sits north of Ouray on state route 550 running north and south on the western side of Colorado. It’s on the same route to get to Telluride to the south, so for those who really want to see mountain country, this is the area to go. There’s good food, good lodging and lots of good experience to really experience the Rockies and Midwest hospitality.