Painting Kindness Rocks and Seashells

Painting Kindness Rocks and SeashellsPainting kindess rocks and seashells is a fun hobby to get into. It doesn’t cost a lot of money and allows you to explore your creativity. What is it exactly? Well, I’m going to tell you!

Love to paint on shells? You’ll find 100+ painted seashell designs on the TwoClassyChics blog!

Thousands of people all around the world paint kindness rocks and seashells. They come up with their own designs and patterns. The artist then adds an inspirational word or two. You then go out and about and leave them behind at places that you visit. This could be a park, grocery store parking lot, at the post office, retail store lot, while out hiking, visiting a fair or carnival…wherever!

The person who finds it can decide if they want to keep it rehide it. These rocks and shells are a way to bring a smile to a strangers face and to remind everyone to be kind to one another. You can do a Google search for Kindness Rocks, Kindness Stones and Seashells to see some of the ideas floating around on the internet. There are several groups set up on Facebook that you can get involved in too!

For the purpose of this post…I’m going to show you some of the hand painted kindness seashells that me and my granddaughter made. We prefer to do seashells since we have a lot of access to them. We paint one side of the seashell in our desired design and then a few inspirtational words. Once the paint is dry we “seal” the design using 1-2 coats of a clear acrylic spray sealer. It protects the painted finish.

Painting Kindness Rocks and Seashells

On the other side of the design we write the following words using an acrylic paint pen.

Please post a pic on Facebook at (name of the group we participate in) of the shell and the location found. Keep or Rehide. We also leave our initials SH and the year ’23.

That’s all you need to do! It’s a fun hobby for kids and adults! I have 3 adult family members and 2 children involved in spreading kindness by painting rocks and seashells. It’s an activity that we enjoy. It’s fun to see people randomly find them and post pictures of the item they found in the Facebook group. We leave 15+ painted seashells a month. Left while running errands, while participating in local events and when traveling! I had one that has made it’s way to 4 different places and is currently floating around in Kentucky!

Painting Kindness Rocks and Seashells

You only need a few supplies for this hobby: Smooth River Rocks or Seashells, Acrylic Craft Paints, Paint Brushes, Acrylic Paint Pens, and a Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer. That’s it! You don’t have to be an expert artist or crafter. You can do just a few a month or whenever you have the free time to do it. There’s no set expectations. I recommend joining a few groups on Facebook before you get started, so that you know what to write on the back side of your rocks and shells. Good Luck and hopefully someday you’ll find one of our painted seashells!

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