Who to Call When You Have a Bee Infestation
Have you ever had an issue with a bee infestation? We have! Matter of fact, we’ve experienced it three times over the past 12 years. For some reason, they love dwelling on our property. During that time I’ve learned a few things that I thought I would share with you today.
First…call an exterminator. Have them come out to identify what type of bees are casuing the problem. If they’re honey bees or bumble bees they will most likely refer you to a bee keeper or other bee professional. Why? Because they’re very beneficial to our environment and can be safely moved to a new home.
If you have wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, etc. exterminators will often take care of those type’s directly for you. Once the type of bee has been identified, the professionals will advise you on what needs to be done to get rid of them. This may or may not require you leaving your home for a day or two.
We had a massive infestation in our the ceiling of our Florida Sun Room. I tore down the ceiling boards to get a good look (that’s the photograph you see in this post). Within a few minutes I was attacked and left with over a dozen stings. Yes, I had to seek out medical attention for them. This is why I state that this type of job should be left to the professionals.
The exterminators came out quickly and handled the mess for us. Not only did they get rid of the bees but they cleaned up all of the mess afterwards. After they dealt with that hive I had them inspect our entire home which 2 additional hives were found. They took care of those too. Since this was professional handled, we haven’t had any issues of the bees returning.