Soft and Chewy Cut-Out Gingerbread Cookies
Christmas is almost here and every year the kids enjoy making a batch of homemade Cut-Out Gingerbread Cookies. When making the cookies you can make them plain or get fancy with the decorating. Since I was working with young children…we kept it fairly simple!
The recipe that we used this year came from the Crazy for Crust blog. Head on over to the BLOG to grab the recipe and decorating tips.
Here’s a few personal tips and hints.
1. You want to use metal cookie cutters. I picked up a great set from Amazon. My mother picked up a set from Dollar General for a great price. The more simplier the cookie cutter, the better.
2. I was working with young children so we kept the decorating simple. I picked up red hot candies, M&Ms candies, etc. from the Dollar Tree to use for buttons.
3. When rolling out the dough I placed it between 2 sheets of waxed paper to prevent it from sticking. You want to roll them out to the right thickness. If they’re too thin they’ll crack and fall apart. If they’re too thick they’ll take too long to bake. I kind of liked the 1/8″ thickness mark.
4. Use pure vanilla extract and real butter for a better taste! Skip using imitation vanilla and margerine!
5. If you’re working with kids…dress them in old clothing or have them wear a child-size apron. Kids can get quite messy in the kitchen! As soon as your done toss clothing into the washing machine to prevent staining.
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