Publishing and Printing Your Comic Book

Comic books have always been popular. Whether it’s superhero comics like Marvel or DC, the comic strips found in newspapers like Charlie Brown and Marmaduke, or the millions of other stories told through comic books. Comic books are something that fathers read when they were children and then pass it on to their children. Even though newsprint is less prevalent, comic books continue to increase in popularity.

This may be because more and more people have access to their own publishing tools. They can use e-commerce tools like Amazon and self-publish their own comic books. A good storyline and a comic book printer is the first step to getting your comic book published.

Publishing and Printing Your Comic Book

Self-Publishing vs. a Publisher

Publishing your comic book needs an editor, copy editor, proofreader, and cover artist. If you are self-publishing, you will have to hire these people yourself. If you get your own publisher, they have the tools to edit and proofread your work and also publicize your comic book to the world. But getting a publisher takes a lot of effort. You must draft a query letter and send it to the right editor. It may take a few tries to find the right agent. Self-publishing, although you have to hire your own editors, once you do, all you have to do is upload your work to a self-publishing platform and comic book printer. Both ways take work; it’s just a matter of what is best for you.

Comic Book Printing

When you self-publish, you want to find a comic book printer that meets your needs. Most printers allow you to upload your comic online and will send you proof before printing. When looking at the proof, make sure that it is precisely how you envisioned. This is your art. You want to ensure it’s perfect before it goes out to the world. You also want to make sure that the printer uses quality paper state-of-the-art equipment, and will print high-definition images. If you have excess or unused supplies, connecting with a toner buyer can help you declutter and recover some of your costs.

Publish Your Comic Book

No matter how your comic book gets published, getting a high-quality comic book printer is important. Do your research and find one that provides high-quality work and will work with you to ensure you get what you want. The popularity of comic books is not going to lessen any time soon. If you have an idea, get out there, create a new story, and show it to the world.