How to Get Started with Surfing
Just because summer is winding down, doesn’t mean you need to halt your outdoor interests! Surfing is one of the most exciting and dynamic sports out there that combines the thrill of the sea with physical skill. Whether you’re looking to add a new hobby to your roster, or you want to get up close and personal with the waves, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s everything you need to know about surfing to make sure you get it right from the get-go before you step into the water!
Get some lessons
The first thing you need to do if you want to start surfing is find the right instructor. Surfing can be pretty hard and dangerous for newcomers who don’t know the way of the water yet. Finding a surfing instructor is the best way to start your surfing journey on the right foot. Whether you’re looking for surf lessons in Waikiki or Crescent Head, you’ll need to do your research. With the right instructor, you’ll be able to learn the ropes and get out there to enjoy the open seas like a pro!
Get the materials
Once you know your way around your board and the waves, it’s time to practice, practice, practice! The easiest way to practice your skills outside of your lessons is to have your own board and materials. Whether you’re planning on shopping brand new or second-hand, you’ll need to do some research to find the right board. Make sure to get everything you need in the size you need it! A wrong-fitting wet suit or surfboard can really make things rough out on the waves. Get your materials and get to practicing!
Improve your stamina and strength
If you want to be a great surfer, you’re going to need more than the best surfboard and instructor on the beach. Surfing is a difficult sport and it requires a lot of core strength and stamina. If you want to make it out on the waves, you’ll need to train your body just as much as you train your technique. Whether you take up a yoga class, go to the gym, or lift your own body weight, you’re going to need to exercise more. Improve your strength and stamina and you’re sure to kill it on the waves!
Have fun
Last but not least, whether you’re learning how to surf or play the piano, if you want to have a good time with it, you’ve got to remember to have fun! Learning a new skill is all about taking your time, expanding your horizons, and having a good time. You need to remember to take things slow with surfing, both to enjoy yourself and also to stay safe. If you push yourself past your limit, you can get hurt or injured. Be patient with your new hobby and remember to take your time, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was the best surfer!
So there you have it! With this guide in mind, you’re ready to go out there and tackle the waves like a pro! Start your surfing journey by finding the right teacher and getting the right materials to practice. Work on your physique as well as your skill to stay on top of the waves but don’t forget to have fun with it!