Cats Can Get Hot Spots Too!
When pet owners think of Hot Spots they typically think that they’re only a problem for dogs. Well, that’s wrong! Cats can develop Hot Spots too! Two weeks ago our cat Romeo (almost 4 years old) developed small itchy spots all around his nose and at the bottom of each ear. Within 48 hours they were dime-sized lesions that were oozing puss. It was time to see the vet.
As the first little spots appeared we thought perhaps he had gotten bitten by a bug. He goes in and out of the house into an enclosed Catio. He is not a free roaming kitty. As soon as we noticed the little marks on and around his nose he started itching and he couldn’t stop itching! We thought it would pass quickly but we were wrong.
48 hours later these marks had opened up to oozing lesions. His eyes were sunken in and you could tell he was feeling miserable. We called the Vet and got an appointment later that day. Boy…were we schooled. We knew that dogs can develop Hot Spots (our grand-dog got them from time time) but had no idea that cats can develope them too. On top of that, they itch them much more frequently and if they still have their claws can rip them open in record time.
After the examination the Vet started him on a long-lasting injectable antibiotic (she gave in the office) and high doses of oral steroids. For one week he had to take 2 pills at night with his food (the steroids) and then for weeks 2 and 3 that decreased to one pill every other night. It ook 4 full doses before we finally saw the improvement and turnaround in him.
Because of all of the itching and scratching he had to wear the cone of shame for 5 days. Boy, he wasn’t happy about that! He was super excited when we were able to take that thing off of him. For a week he had to stay completely indoors, no Catio for fresh air and relaxation. His appetite had decreased but finally took off like a rocket once on the steroids.
We’re 12 days into this now and I’m happy to report that he’s doing well. The sores are 90% healed up and his hair has started growing back in. He’s back to his happy, playful self and eating great.
In the future we now know that if we see any of these tiny Hot Spots crop up…to get him into the Vet immediately. As each day ticks by those spots get worse and worse without medication and intervention. If your kitty develops them, please get them in to see a Vet sooner than later.