Stop Spills and Crumbs Between Stove and Counter with a Silicone Gap Cover

Stop Spills and Crumbs Between Stove and Counter with a Silicone Gap CoverCrumbs and spills always find their way between that little space between the side of your stove and your counter top. Don’t believe me? Just pull out your range and oven…take a look at that side and you’ll see what I mean. All those crumbs and sticky goo allow for ants and other pests to invade your home. Yeah, it’s dinner time for pests!

My wife has been prolific in having me pull the range out on a regular basis for her to clean. It’s a pain in the butt, so to solve that problem I purchased a Silicone Gap Cover that fits between the stove and counter top from Amazon. It’s an affordable way to totally solve that problem. Best thing is that you don’t need any tools whatsoever to install it. NONE.

Stop Spills and Crumbs Between Stove and Counter with a Silicone Gap Cover

Silicone Gap Covers are available in different colors and sizes. I elected for a 2-pack of black ones to cooridinate with the stainless steel stove in our home. Each pack contains two 21″ long silicone gap covers. We’re using one in our main home and the second in our vacation home. You can use them to fill the gaps between other appliances too…think washer and dryer, dishwsher and counter top, etc.

These silicone gap covers are heat resistant, so they’re safe to be around your range and oven. You don’t want to put it directly on the heat source but it works perfectly as shown in my photograph. The strip is made out of silicone so it’s naturally non-slip and stays put. Very easy to clean…just wipe it down when needed. It’s not the most attractive thing on the planet but it gets the job done.

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Disclosure: This item was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his/her honest opinion about the product with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. You can find our full disclosure policy located on the blog’s homepage.

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