SmartyKat Catnip Mist Spray for Cats and Kittens

Like most cats…our boy Romeo loves catnip! He enjoys snacking on it and playing with toys that have a catnip aroma. Our vet told us that it’s stimulating for them and great for their overall mental health. Romeo will get stimulated fairly quickly with his catnip toys and then after 15-20 minutes the relaxation sets in. Yeah, after the “high” he needs to take a catnap!

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SmartyKat Catnip Mist Spray for Cats and Kittens

Romeo has about 15-18 cat toys that we rotate in and out on a regular basis. Rotating their toys in and out keeps them interested in them. Every time you rotate them you should give them a good cleaning and if needed…re-scent them with a Catnip Spray. You want to keep things clean and germ-free.

We buy the SmartKat Catnip Mist Spray from Amazon and it works really well. It comes in an easy-to-use pump spray bottle. You can use a little or a lot depending on your cat. We use a little because it doesn’t take much to get Romeo stimulated with it.

How do we use it? Well, I’m going to tell you.

I like to machine wash on the delicate cycle his stuffed toys in a mesh bag. I then hang them up to air dry. Once they’re done drying I mist them with the SmartyKat Catnip spray. He gets 1-2 toys at a time. We also “mist’ his 2 kitty condos and his 3 scratch posts with the spray. If you keep their scratch posts scented with catnip they’re less likely to claw up your furniture and other things. (We don’t believe in de-clawing).

A lot of cat owners simply toss out the toys that their kitties no longer play with. That’s a waste of money. Just clean them and re-scent them with a catnip spray and you’ll be good to go! Besides, our boy Romeo has a few toys that he favors…we call them his FAVORITE toys…a felt ball, a mouse with a feather tail and then a fish that flops around. Just re-scent them with the mist and you’ll be good to go!

The SmartyKat Catnip Mist Spray is the one that we purchase from Amazon and the one that our kitty likes the best. It costs less than ten bucks a bottle and is available in two different sizes. Highly recommend that you try it.

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