Birdwatching: Baby Robins 9 Days Old
My wife and I enjoy birdwatching. We’re not big bird watchers, but we do enjoy going out to see them. We’re particular big fans of birds that live along the eastern coast and along the Atlantic Ocean. Some of our favorites are Egrets, Herons, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Woodpeckers and various owls like the Barn Owl.
Last month we had a mommy Robin make a nest in a flower pot on our front porch. It took her just 2 days to make the bird’s nest. Two days later we noticed the 1st egg…then the very next day another egg and on day 3 was the third. She was one busy momma sitting on the eggs for the next 12-14 days.
We got up one morning and there they were….Triplets all hatched during the night. For the first week we checked on those 3 babies twice a day. All were healthy and doing well. On day 6 we sadly found one of them triplets dead on our front porch. After checking our security cameras we were horrified with what we saw. One of the neighbor’s outdoor cats killed the baby bird.
On the 9th day we got the photograph you see in my post. Those 2 remaining babies were calling for mom or dad to come feed them. Oh yeah, we saw both mom and dad feeding them several times a day. I never realized that the dad also comes to feed the babies too. As you can see in the photograph, those 2 were extremely hungry and were being LOUD. About 5 minutes later mom showed up with food.
Those of you who enjoy nature and specifically…birding…will apprecite this photo. Babies don’t stay in the nest long. These 2 fledged the nest on day 15 and were gone. Off to start their own lives being birds!