Two Classy Chics Week in Review July 14th

sunshine - Two Classy ChicsToday is Friday, July 14th, 2023. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!

Quote of the Week:

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”—- Mae West


Knights of the Zodiac on DVD
Dash Mini Non-Stick Waffle Maker

General Posts, Recipes, Crafts and More:

Ladybug Refrigerator Magnets made with Air Dry Modeling Clay
3 Wood Scrabble Tiles Craft Projects
Hand Painted Summer and Beach Themed Seashells
What Are the 3 Types of Trauma?
San Giorgio Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
How to Freeze Fresh Blackberries
Home Canning Green Bell Pepper Jelly Recipe

Here’s the question of the week:

If a neighbor was constantly letting their dog poop in your yard without cleaning it up…what would you do? Would you confront them about it? Would you go out and clean it up or let it lay? What would you do if you already spoke to that neighbor a few times about their dog doing it’s business in your yard and they’ve done nothing about it? What would you do next?

Yeah…we have an issue with a neighbor in our development who walks their dog multiple times a day and let’s it poop in all of our yards and doesn’t clean it up. Several of us have nicely requested that they clean up after the dog but so far…we’ve gotten no where!


  1. gloria patterson says

    I am one of those people that would check around with other neighbors if it was happening to them to. And then I would suggest that we all gather it up and deposit it on her front porch.

  2. Maria Egan says

    I am sorry that you have a neighborhood that is so disrespectful to not clean up after their dog. That has not happened to me, but I have seen on some social media sites where a photo of the person with the dog has been posted. I guess out of extreme frustration and don’t know if it works.