Tips for Tree Removal After a Major Storm

We have a lot of old trees on our property. To make matters even worse, we live in area that gets hurricanes, tropical storms, blizzards, nor’ easters, thunderstorms, and tornados. We get it all in central Pennsylvania. Over the years we’ve deal with a lot of property damage from fallen trees!

Last week we had a terrible thunderstorm come through our area. For 3 hours we had howling winds, thunder, lightning, hail the size of a quarter, down pouring rain, etc. We had warnings flashing across the TV and dinging our cellphones. This all happened in the middle of the night, so we couldn’t go outside to see what was going on in regards to damage.

The following day we walked the entire property and found 4 large tree branches had came down during the storm. They were scattered in the backyard along with numerous smaller branches and limbs. Luckily, none of them hit our garden shed, swimming pool or our home. One did cause some minor damage to our wooden fence. We were lucky but left with a mess to clean up.

I recommend that for big jobs like this that you call for professional Tree Services in Manassas VA or another professional tree removal company in your specific area. Jobs like this can be dangerous and time consuming. If you’re going to attempt the clean-up yourself…it’s best to follow all of the tips listed below.

Tips for Tree Removal from Storm Damage

Tips for Tree Removal from Storm Damage

1. Survey the damage. Take photographs and video for your records. If there is damage…report it to your home insurance company right away. Make sure your claim gets filed quickly and includes the proper documentation.

2. If you qualify for help from your insurance company they will advice you on what to do. Which company to use and how to proceed going forward.

3. If you don’t qualify for help and are going to remove them trees yourself you’ll need to obtain the proper equipment. Chain saws, regular saws, metal bins, etc. Make sure you have everything that you’ll need before getting started.

4. Enlist some help! You’ll need help cutting the trees up, lifting things, dragging, stacking, and hauling the debris away. Not only that, you always want another adult assisting you in case of an accident. They can go for help and get emergency services there quickly. Never proceed alone!

5. Once everything is cleaned up…call a tree company to come out and inspect the trees that are still standing. Why? There could be cracked branches still up there that could fall down at any time. Those damaged limbs can cause damage or worse yet…injure someone on your property. Experts can go up and inspect them for damage that you can’t see. If there’s damage, have it immediately taken care of.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Melbourne arborists visit Travs Trees.

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