How to Keep Your Home Safe for a Young Family
A key stage in life for many couples is when they decide to start a family. This tends to occur when two people make a lifelong commitment to each other and want to enrich their daily lives with children, taking an active role in their education and general well-being. As any new parent will know, the first few years of family life can be incredibly difficult. Parents need to accept that they will probably not enjoy full and unbroken sleep when they have a young family. In addition, the family home needs to be completely safe for babies, toddlers, and younger children, as their inquisitive nature can lead to a risk of accidents in the home. This article explains some key actions that can be taken to keep your home safe when you start a family.
Electrical Considerations
Firstly, it can be important to consider the electrical outlets in your home. Those that are at floor level should be blocked off when not in use to ensure that young children stay safe. It can also be wise to purchase surge protectors to keep power supplies regulated when they power several appliances. If you discover that you have faulty wiring or your fuse box trips out regularly, it is important to contact a professional electrician who can fix the issues. If you live in Columbus Ohio, search online for residential electrician Columbus OH to find skilled electricians who will ensure that your home remains safe. Professional electricians will have experience in making homes safe when it comes to residential electrical supplies and power outlets. They may also be able to suggest modifications to the power outlets in your home to make the property safer for young children and toddlers.
Stairs and Bathroom
Two other big risks in a home with young family members are the stairs and the bathroom. Babies and young toddlers must be protected from falls down stairs, and this can be achieved by putting safety rails on the access points to the top and bottom of the stairs. For more information on making your stairs baby and toddler proof, click here. In addition, the bathroom poses a significant risk of drowning to babies and toddlers, and it is important to ensure they cannot enter unattended. Latches and gates can stop them from entering without your knowledge, and the room should be free of any chemicals or hazardous cleaning products in the cupboards (especially if they are at ground height).
Keeping the Kitchen Safe
As a brief final point, the kitchen in your home will also need to be thoroughly risk assessed and modified to be baby and toddler safe. Any sharp knives should be locked away in drawers, and food processors or other potentially dangerous kitchen equipment should be secured in locked cupboards or out of reach of small hands. Ideally, you will ensure that children will not be present in the kitchen unattended, especially when you are heating or boiling food. As with the bathroom, any cleaning chemical products should be stored away securely so that they are not accessible to babies, toddlers, and younger children.