Useful Tips for Organizing a Pantry in Your Home

Useful Tips for Organizing a Pantry in Your HomeA pantry in your home can be a useful and versatile place. It can be a place where you store bulk-buy items, or it can be a place where you display your collection of herbs and spices. A pantry is there to be functional and useful; it is not there just for display purposes only. You need to think about organization and layout to make sure your pantry gets used as it should. Maximizing the space and getting a setup that works for you and your home is a good starting point for your pantry project. This guide can help you succeed with this.

Establish What Space You Have

How big is your pantry area, and are you currently utilizing the full space? You may find that you have more height than width, so this must be taken into account. It may help if you draw out the shape of your pantry, as this will allow you to see (and potentially visualize) what you can fit into the space and where it will go. If you have a smaller-sized pantry, you may want to prioritize what you store. You may find that the first layout you create will not work as you thought it would, so be prepared to try out several layouts before you find one that suits you. If necessary, get a designer to come and advise you on what to do.

Spaces for Those Everyday Items

If you have been purchasing a lot of your favorite coffee or even a new drip machine from the ones recommended at The Coffee Bros, then you need to make sure that it is stored correctly. If everyday items such as coffee are stored incorrectly, moisture can get into your beans or coffee grinds. To make sure that you have enough space for your everyday items, it would be wise to build your pantry around this crucial section. Make sure you leave enough shelving space for those items that you will need every day. You do not want your beloved coffee to be at the back of the pantry, and you do not want to be rooting around for everyday essentials, especially if you are in a rush.

Useful Tips for Organizing a Pantry in Your Home

Baskets, Bags, and Pull-Out Caddies

You have the size of your pantry, and you have established roughly where you want items to be located. However, have you thought about what type of storage your pantry will feature? For instance, do you want to utilize baskets, bags, or pull-out caddies? Or would you like your pantry to feature a combination of storage methods?

Looking at what you will house in the pantry and establishing what works well in your home is important. For example, you may find that glass jars look pretty, but with a busy family, you may find they can be a hazard. Baskets are always a good addition to a pantry, whether woven or made from fabric, as they can hold a lot and be easily cleaned and can often be great for families with children who are independent with getting their own snacks.