Preview Sunday Week of June 4th

sunshine - Two Classy ChicsToday is Sunday, June 4thth, 2023. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see! Over the next week things will be a tad slower on the blog. My parents are on vacation and both of my children are finishing up the school year with their final activities. On top of that…I still work outside the home!

Health and Wellness Items
Easy to Make Craft Projects
Yummy Recipes
Cooking and Food Preservation Tips
DVDs for Movie Night
Weekly Travel Feature
Beverage Drink Powders
Quality Craft Supplies
Bathrobes for Young Kids
+ More

Let’s talk car maintenance. I’m a woman and I admit…I don’t know a lot about that. I asked my husband to teach me a few things over the summer months so that I can learn. I do know how to check the oil, how to put air in the tires and how to change one if needed. Other than that…not too much. My goal is to learn more so that if needed, I can do some things myself.


  1. Looks like a fun week ahead on the blog. I think it’s great that you are learning about car maintenance. My dad taught me how to do all car maintenance when I was young I still remember everything he taught me.

  2. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I always enjoy your post bout crafts and food recipes. I am most curious about the health and wellness items and cooking tips. I can do the things you mentioned for my car, but I m not trying to learn to do more.