Classic Martini and Apple-Tini Cocktail Recipes
National Martini Day is just around the corner. The delicious martini will be celebrated on June 9th. Here are 2 easy-to-make cocktail recipes from Tina’s Vodka founder Tina Karras. Tina’s Vodka is GMO-free, sustainably made, female-owned, American-made, and contains zero additives.
Looking for more delicious cocktail recipes that are easy-to-make? You’ll find over 350+ on the TwoClassyChics blog.
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Apple-Tini Recipe
2 ounces Tina’s Vodka
1 ounce Liquid Alchemist Apple Spice
1/2 ounce lime juice
Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a thin apple slice.
Classic Martini Recipe
2 ounces Tina’s Vodka
1/2 ounce of dry vermouth
Pour vodka and dry vermouth in a pint glass over ice. With a bar spoon, stir the spirits in the ice without brushing them, until cold. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garish with organic pimento olives and enjoy.
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