Springtime Thunderstorms, Rain, Hail and Wind Damage

Thunderstorm Property DamageSpringtime…every year it happens and every year we get hit with some vicious springtime Thunderstorms. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we don’t live in the Tornado Alley part of the country but we do get our fair share of nasty weather!

Last week we had 2 thunderstorms come through and wowza, they did some damage! The one storm dumped 2″ of rain in 45 minutes and the second storm got us for another 2″ of rain in an hour. Both of them had hail, high winds, lightning, thunder, etc. It was LOUD outside and scary at times.

The one storm totally destroyed my husband’s one outdoor work shed. DESTROYED it. On the other side of our property the old pine tree lost 2 huge branches. He had to cut them up and haul them out of here. My one birdhouse and a bird feeder are completely gone. It’s a mess, a big mess that we have to clean up!

Thunderstorm Property Damage

Our house itself faired pretty well. We lost about a dozen shingles off the roof and a cracked basement window (from a flying tree branch) that hubby needs to replace. Other than that…just need to get out there and get things repaired and cleaned up.

I’m sure we’re going to get many more thunderstorms as the spring season moves forward and then summer will come in…more there too!

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