Preview Sunday Week of May 28th

Life is Better in Flip FlopsToday is Sunday, May 28th, 2023. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see!

Kid’s Craft Projects for Summer
Craft Projects for Adults
Easy to Make Recipes
Helpful Articles and Tips
DVDs for Movie Night
Kitchen Items
Beverage Drink Mixes for Summer
Beauty Items for the Girls
Plus more

When you were growing up did you enjoy playing any card games or board games? If so, which ones were some of your favorites to play? My parents always hosted family game nights several times a month. We enjoyed playing Life, Sorry, Uno, Risk, Monopoly, Yahtzee, Candyland, Connect Four, Battleship and several others. How about you? What were some of your favorites?


  1. Looks like a fun week ahead on the blog this week. I so love playing board games still but when I was a kid I loved to play Monopoly, Operation, Clue, Candyland and Twister.

  2. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    My grandmother loved to play canasta so [played that and solitaire, but I was never interested in Bingo. With my kids and grandkids I play Uno, Life Monopoly, Candyland, Connect 4, Battleship and others.