6 Easy DIY Air Conditioner Fixes

The importance of air conditioners cannot be overstated. For starters, they can improve indoor air quality, create a comfortable working/living environment, and regulate indoor temperatures. In the United States alone, at least three-quarters of homes have an air conditioner. Understandably, needing AC repair when you least expect it can be extremely frustrating.

A malfunctioning air conditioner can cause inconvenience and discomfort. In addition, a defective AC system can also negatively affect your safety, health, and productivity. But before you splurge on a new AC unit, let us first discuss some of the easiest DIY fixes for common air conditioner problems.

6 Easy DIY Air Conditioner Fixes

Common AC Problems Faced by Homeowners

Some of the most prevalent air conditioner problems homeowners face include:

* Air conditioner is not blowing cold air
* Air conditioner makes odd noises
* Air conditioner won’t turn on
* Evaporator coils are frozen
* Air conditioner leaks water outside
* Thermostat is not working
* Air conditioner is not working as efficiently

DIY AC Repair Tips

1. Change your filters regularly

To ensure your system stays efficient, changing your filters is one of the most important things you must do. Air particles, dander, and dust can build up in the filter and cause the unit to overwork itself. Filters should be changed monthly to maximize your unit’s overall health and lifespan.

2. Check and clean your outdoor unit

If you experience problems with your AC after winter, it would be a good idea to do some “spring cleaning” and check your unit outside. Remove any debris that might restrict the airflow to the unit. Aside from removing dirt and debris, cut back vegetation on all sides. Also, don’t forget to check inside the unit for trapped leaves.

3. Examine your thermostat

If your thermostat is malfunctioning, you should check the batteries first. Consider replacing the batteries with new ones and checking if it works. Also, thermostats can lose their original settings when left unchecked for a long time. Fortunately, in some cases, a quick reset can fix the problem.

It is recommended that your thermostat is set below the ambient room temperature. If your thermostat is not displaying figures or shuts the whole system down when you set it to heat, replacing it with a new one is ideal.

4. Check the capacitor

The small cylindrical object that resembles a tin can is the capacitor. It works by storing and releasing the energy needed to start the motor. Suppose your capacitor malfunctions; the usual culprit is an overheating motor. When not addressed immediately, it can shut down the entire AC system.

To check if you have a capacitor problem, observe if you hear humming even if the fan is not turning. Fixing a faulty capacitor will require safety precautions and basic electrical knowledge. If you don’t have the necessary tools and are not comfortable working with electrical components, this job is best left in the hands of professionals. Regular duct cleaning can also help improve air quality and HVAC efficiency by removing dust, allergens, and other contaminants that accumulate over time.

5. Examine your circuit breaker

If your AC won’t turn on, one of the first things you should check is your f. The breaker controls the power that goes to your house. When unable to handle the excess load, your breaker can trip.

This is often the case if many appliances and electrical equipment are connected to the same breaker. If you experience constant breaker trips, call a licensed air conditioning repair technician for help.

6. Check for duct malfunctions

If the duct between a room register and a blower is broken, the cold air can blow out before it reaches your room’s register. If cool air blows from some of the registers but not from the others, it is likely that the ducting feeding the registers is defective. If you have an unfinished basement, check your ductwork to determine if a joint has come loose. However, calling an HVAC professional is recommended if you cannot resolve the issue.

If you have tried the above DIY air conditioner fixes, but the problem persists, it would be best to get expert help. A licensed professional can advise if the unit needs to be repaired or replaced. Also, never underestimate the benefits of regular maintenance. Routine air conditioner maintenance can help ensure that problems are detected and addressed before they require costly repair or replacement.

About the author

Shelby Bartz is the new Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Shelby is a devoted bookworm but when she isn’t reading, you’ll find her cruising around town with her beloved ginger husky, Maxxy.