Seagulls and the Mighty Atlantic Ocean

Seagulls and the Mighty Atlantic OceanWe took a quick weekend getaway down to the Jersey Shore last month and really enjoyed it. It’s always nice to get away even if it’s just for the weekend. I think we all need those breaks from time to time. Okay, I need those breaks every dang month!

Anyway, we were sitting up on the seawall just after a long rainstorm and wow…the Atlantic Ocean looked quite angry. You could see the waves slapping up onto the shore and could feel the mist coming off of the ocean. Not to mention…the fog and visibility was bad. It definitely wasn’t a good day to be out on the water or the beach!

One thing that caught our eye was this one pair of seagulls that kept flying by…looking for dinner. A lot of times we see gulls in large groups but this time…it was just the two that I’m showing in my photograph. They were flying side by side, up and down the waterline for over an hour. Even though the weather was ugly, they were beautiful to see.

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  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    That is a great photo. I hope you were able to see the seagulls catching some of their dinner too!

  2. This is one beautiful picture! I would have to frame this one it’s lovely. It has been way too long since I have been to the beach it is so calming.