Preview Sunday Week of April 2nd
Today is Sunday, April 2nd, 2023. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see!
Kitchen Products
Nail Polish
DVDS for Movie Night
Yummy Recipes
Easter and Spring Craft Projects
Helpful Articles and Tips
Beauty and Skincare Items
Must-Have Craft Supplies
+ More
A few days ago I was chatting with a friend about our years in junior high and high school. So, that leads me to today’s question. Did you play any sports in school? I only did gymnastics and cheerleading. I was fortunately enough to do school and competitive cheerleading and traveled to Nashville Tennessee and Orlando Florida for national competitions. Back in those days I was tinier and physically fit. Not anymore!