Lighted Wireless Doorbell with Easy Set-Up

Lighted Wireless Doorbell with Easy Set-UpLast month our old doorbell suddenly quit working. It came with the house, so it was at least 20+ years old. It was time to get a new one…but I wanted one that required little to no installation. I didn’t want to do any type of hard wiring.

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I went shopping on Amazon and purchased the AIDA Lighted Wireless Doorbell. You can buy them with just one button and one receiver or with two buttons and one receiver. I opted for the two buttons with one receiver. Why? I decided to put the second one on our back door. A lot of our close family & friends will come to our back door instead of the front door. This way…both will be covered.

Lighted Wireless Doorbell with Easy Set-Up

One of the things I liked about this wireless doorbell was the easy set up. I didn’t have to do hardwiring. I had to install the two doorbells (took me a minute for each) and then plug in the receiver. It has a long range. We can hear the door bell while down in the basement, the attic, and even while we’re out on the back deck if we have our windows open.

It’s small in size which I also like. It has 52 chimes for you to choose from, a mute feature and 5 different levels when it comes to the volume control. The doorbell buttons come with batteries included, so you don’t need to run out and buy them. I’m all about simplicity these days.

Affordable Wireless Doorbell

Let’s talk about affordable! I priced something similar at our local home and garden store and they wanted $54.99 and it came with only one doorbell. I picked up this one that I’m featuring today from Amazon for less than $20.00. That’s a great deal.

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Disclosure: Product was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his/her honest opinion about it with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. No monetary compensation was received. This post may contain affiliate links.

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