How to Clean Ceramic Houseplant and Garden Planters

How to Clean Ceramic Pottery Houseplant and Garden PlantersI love gardening and that includes growing a lot of plants inside and outside of my home. A lot of our plants are planted directly into the ground while others are grown in planters and containers. I love planters that are made out of all kinds of different materials…especially pottery like the one that I’m showing in my photograph.

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Ceramic pottery can be difficult to clean, especially if you buy it on the secondary market. I purchased this gorgeous Pottery Barn piece at a local flea markert and it was dirty and I mean DIRTY. Even with all of that dirt, I knew it had potential and snapped it up for $2.00. Pottery Barn pieces can be pricey so for 2 bucks it was a steal of a deal. Now to get it clean!

First thing I did was place a rubber mat into the bottom of my kitchen sink to prevent chipping the planter while washing it. I filled up the sink with warm soapy water (I use Dawn Liquid Dish Soap because it’s the best at removing dirt, grime, and grease). I used a soft sponge and that got off about 1/2 of the dirt and grime that was on the inside and outside of the planter.

It needed more cleaning to bring it totally back to life so I got out a new Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I wet it with just water and wiped it across the entire planter. Guess what, it took all of the remaining dirt and grime off with ease! No hard scrubbing and no scratches on the design. NONE, no damage whatsoever. Shoot, I should of started with the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser first and saved myself a lot of time!

Rinse with clean running water. I placed a towel on my counter top and turned the planter upside down to air dry for 1 hour and then flipped it right-side up for an additional hour of drying time. Then took a clean microfiber cloth and buffed it nice and shiny. Doesn’t it look beautiful nice and clean? I wish I would of taken a photo of the BEFORE because it’s 100% cleaner AFTER.

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