A Massive Hornets Bee Infestation

A Massive Hornets Bee InfestationHave you ever seen a hornets bee nest infestation in a building? I’m talking thousands upon thousands of bees? If not, I’m going to show you one today. Since I’m allergic to bees I kept my distance from them as I wasn’t getting stung for anything!!!

A friend of ours called us up because she kept hearing “buzzing” inside the one wall in her office. So, we went over to see if we could help her figure it out. It took my husband a few minutes to figure out that she had a bee infestation problem! That’s right…HORNETS decided to make a massive hive system and nest in between two walls!

A Massive Hornets Bee Infestation

Our two husband’s made a hole into the wall and to their utter surprise they found them. Of course, they quickly took off and called out a professional exterminator who handles bee infestations. They had to knock numerous large holes into the wall and then suck them out with a vacuum cleaner type of machine that traps them inside a large canister.

Those bees aka hornets were so pissed off! They started pouring out of the holes and were buzzing all through the office…climbing all over the windows, etc. They guy in the bee suit did open up the windows so that some of them could escape. There were thousands and I mean thousands of angry bees!!!

It took 2 visits by the professional exterminator throughout the weekend to get the job done. What a nightmare and a mess! In 2 weeks he’ll come back and inspect the walls a final time to make sure that the problem is finally solved. If so, then our husbands will get to work in hanging new drywall up and giving her office a new coat of paint.

If you every come across something like this I do recommend that you call in professionals to deal with it. You don’t want to get stung…not once, twice nor 100 times messing with the bees yourself. It’s definitely a job better left to professionals.

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