Mailbox Monday for March 2023

Mailbox MondayTime for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for March 2023. The first Monday of every month you’ll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you’re a blogger, you can participate too by sharing our MEME on your blog.

I won a set of 6 little coastal theme’d dessert plates which I just love! They have a sandy beach design on them and are made out of melamine…a plastic material which will be great to use this summer when we’re eating more outside. I only use non-breakables out there. I won a CVS gift card and hubby won a $20 Amazon gift card. Not a bad month considering we don’t have a lot of time to enter giveaways anymore.

CVS and Coastal Goodies

Mailbox Monday is all about those FREE things you got in your mailbox last month. Freebies, Samples, Giveaway & Contest Prizes, Gifts, etc. What it doesn’t include….yucky bills that nobody wants!

Shelly's Signature


  1. Maria Egan says

    I won some wrinkle serum which I am looking forward to trying. Also, some kid’s games which my grandkids will enjoy.


    I won a couple of ebooks from goodreads. And also a paper book but they will mail it

  3. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I won a GAp card and used it right way!. Otherwise I have not had any wins or even free samples. Perhpas I shall do better this month.