How to Clean Decorative Garden Flags

How to Clean Decorative Garden FlagsDecorating your outdoor spaces with small garden flags is a great way to add color and style to that outdoor space. With that said…they can get dirty and muddy over time. I like to clean mine twice a year to keep them looking nice. You can wash them one of three different ways.

How to Clean Decorative Garden Flags

1. If they’re inexpensive you can toss them into the washing machine on the delicate cycle with a gentle liquid laundry detergent. As soon as they’re done…remove and hang them up to air dry. Do NOT toss them into the dryer.

2. My personal method is to just hand wash them in my kitchen sink. I fill up the sink with warm soapy water and hand wash them. If needed, I’ll gently use an old toothbrush to losen up any dirt. Rinse them with clean water. Don’t wring them out! I place them between 2 beefy cotton towels and press out the excess water. Then hang them up to air dry.

3. Not too dirty? You can spray them down while hanging with a garden hose set on a “light” streaming water setting. You don’t want to blast them too hard with the garden hose. Let air dry.

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