Flameless Battery Operated Candles with Remote Controls
When you walk throughout my home you’ll find flameless battery-operated candles in just about every room. I love decorating with them because they’re a safer alternative to burning the real thing. We’re pet owners, have young grandchildren, and I have epilepsy (seizures) so burning real candles are out! They’re great for home decorating and they’re important to have in your emergency safety kit!
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Why in your safety kit? I find that they’re easier to operate than using a slew of flashlights and lanterns. Don’t get me wrong…you need both in your kit but the flameless candles give you light for a longer period of time and take up less space! You should have at least 6 flameless pillar candles in your kit along with 2 full packs of batteries for each one.
Last month I purchased a 9 piece set of Real Wax Flameless Battery Operated Candles that comes with 2 Remote Controls from Amazon. I used 3 of them in my home decor and the other 6 went into my emergency kit along with 1 of the remote controls. If you’re looking for inexpensive batteries, hit up the Dollar Tree.
There’s a lot to love about this particular set that I bought.
1. You get 9 REAL WAX Flameless Candles!
2. You get 2 remote controls!
3. They’re not as chubby as a lot of my other candles. This allows me to slide them into my pillar candle holders with ease…including my decorative lanterns.
4. You can set the timer via the remote control for 2,4,6 or 8 hours.
5. There’s a feature on the remote control that you can use to get dimmer or brighter light.
6. They’re affordable! I’ve paid $25+ for just one single candle out in retail stores. Of course, those were name brand…but these candles are just as nice! #JustSaying
I love this set of candles so much that I went back and purchased two more sets. I took one set and split them up between my daughter and my mother with each getting a remote control to use in their home decor or emergency kits. The other set that I got I’m splitting up into 2 sets and giving as birthday gifts this spring. They’re awesone!
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