Energy-Saving EcoSmart LED Soft White Light Bulbs
Have you switched over to more eco-friendly and energy-saving light bulbs yet? If not, you should! We’ve been using them for several years throughout our home and business. It’s nice that technology can now provide products to us to make our world a better place while saving money in the process.
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EcoSmart LED Soft White Light Bulbs are fantastic! I have them throughout our home. I like the 60W LED bulbs that are dimmable. Each bulb will last for approximately 13 years before you have to change it out and will last for about 15,000 hours! They’re suitable for use in enclosed fixtures too!
The light bulbs are Energy Star Certified and can be used inside or outside. Using one bulb can save you about $1.02 in energy costs per year. If you replace all your bulbs that amount can really add up and then the savings over the years adds up even more. Plus, you’re doing more for our beautiful planet.
When it comes to purchasing…you can find them in different sized packages, different wattages, etc. I buy them in a 4-pack from Amazon because 4-packs are easy for me to store. I have a cabinet in the basement that I store all of our replacement supplies in…they stack nicely insided it. So if you’re living in an apartment and limited on storage space, pick up an extra 4-pack to keep on hand.
There are many brands of eco-friendly light bulbs out in the retail marketplace and I’ve tried several. So far, EcoSmart is the brand that I prefer. I like the quality and they’re affordable. I feel that everyone needs to swtich over to these type’s of light bulbs if they haven’t already.
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