Baskets, Boxes, Bins, and Caves Favorite Hiding Places for Cats

Baskets, Boxes, Bins, and Caves Favorite Hiding Places for CatsAll cat owners know that they love to hide. You’ll often find them hiding underneath the bed, in the back of a closet, or underneath your favorite sitting chair. Cats are some of the best hiders in the domestic animal world!

Our favorite feline Romeo is no exception! You’ll find him hiding in your standard places around the home and thensome. We often find him hanging out in wicker baskets, cardboard boxes, storage bins, underneath homemade blanket tents, in an open dresser drawer, etc. One of his favorite games is hide-n-seek, he’s the hider and we’re always the seekers!

Hiding is a natural instinct for cats. It helps them to feel safe and secure. They rotate their favorite hiding places. That’s why it’s important that all pet owners rotate things around their home to give their furry friends a new place to hang out. So, how can you quickly and easily do this?

Simple. You’ll want to invest a little bit of money into cardboard boxes, baskets, storage bins, and baby blankets. You can find a lot of those items at your local Dollar General Store, Dollar Tree, Target, and on Amazon. Heck, you can probably pick up a lot of that at local yard sales or from family and friends who are giving items away.

Baskets, Boxes, Bins, and Caves Favorite Hiding Places for Cats

You’ll want to keep the items clean by regularly wiping them down with pet-safe cleaning products. This will help to remove the scent. They like “fresh, clean, and new” places to hide. Once the items are clean rotate them around your house every 7-10 days. We like to completely relocate items to a different room and swap things all around.

Use baby blankets or small throws to make blanket tents and caves. Leave a small opening so your furry best friend can go in and out safely. We will drape them over the back of furniture, across a chair, or tossed over the hamper turned on it’s side. You can turn cardboard boxes and storage bins on their side and drape the little blanket (a hand towel works well too) over the entrance to make a wonderful hiding place.

Our boy Romeo really enjoys that we take the extra effort around our home to give him safe places to hide and relax. It provides a form of enrichment for him by spicing up his day and giving him something to do. He will go from one place to the next checking them all out and leaving his scent behind.

Give your furry friends something easy to do that doesn’t cost a lot of money. It’s a natural instinct for them to hide and an important instinct for them to maintain. A happy cat is a healthy cat!

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