Valentine’s Day Painted Cinnamon Applesauce Dough Refrigerator Magnets

These Valentine’s Day painted Cinnamon Applesauce Dough Refrigerator Magnets are adorable. A great weekend craft project to do with the kids. You can make the cut-outs in any shape or size that you would like. We used mini metal cookie cutters in a heart shape that are about 1 1/2″ in size. We then followed the McCormick recipe to make the cinnamon applesauce dough. You can grab their recipe HERE. You only need ground cinnamon, applesauce, cookie cutters, acrylic craft paint, paint pens, all-purpose craft glue, and magnets.

Valentine's Day Painted Cinnamon Applesauce Dough Refrigerator Magnets

We followed the recipe directions and made small heart-shaped cut-outs. Once they were hard we hand painted them (front and back) with acrylic craft paints. You will need 2-3 coats of paint with 30 minutes of drying time between each coat.

Once the base coat is dry you can use acrylic paint with a paint brush or paint pens to decorate each of the little hearts. My 13 1/2 year old granddaughter came up with the designs shown in the photograph. Let them completely dry!

If you want to protect the painted finish for the next several years (or decades) you’ll want to spray them with a coat or two of clear acrylic spray sealer. We used one with a glossy finish. Let dry until no longer tacky. Flip over each heart and use all-purpose craft glue to adhere a small magnet onto the back side. Let dry overnight. That’s it, you’re done!

Cute little Valentine’s Day magnets that you can use to decorate the front of your refrigerator, freezer, file cabinet at work, or any other metal surface. Fun weekend project to do with the kids!

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