Jaxs Monster Mix Snacks are School Safe

Jaxs Monster Pop MixI have 2 children who attend school. One is in elementary school and the other one is in Junior High. Both of my children pack lunches 3-4 days a week and that includes snacks that they can enjoy throughout their day. To keep things interesting for them…I’m always looking for new goodies to pack into their bags.

* Complimentary product received.

Jaxs Monster Mix offers parents a healthier alternative to traditional snacks for kids. Their snack mixes are nut-gree, gluten-free, non-GMO, Vegan, Kosher, and contain no artificial dyes. They’re school safe! One of the things that I really like is that each little bag is the perfect portion for kids to enjoy.

Jaxs Monster Sweet Mix

Here’s information on the two varieties that my children got to enjoy.

Jaxs Monster Pop Mix contains gluten-free pretzel twists, cheesy toasted corn and sweetened banana chips. The 1 oz. bag is 1 serving at 140 calories.

Jaxs Monster Sweet Mix contains unsulphured diced dried mango, papaya, pineapple, and naturally colored milk chocolate covered sunflower seeds. The 0.5 oz. bag is 1 serving at 60 calories.

The Monster Pop Mix is one that my 13 year old daughter has really been enjoying. This one contains crunchy pretzels and banana chips mixed with the sweet dried fruit. She likes to eat it during the afternoon to help hold her over until she gets home from school.

Jaxs Monster Sweet Mix

The Monster Sweet Mix is my 7 year old son’s favorite of the two. He’s more of the “sweet tooth” among my 2 kids. The dried fruits are moist and chewy…the little chocolate covered sunflower seeds adds just the right amount of sweetness to the mix.

If you’re child is looking for crunchy and sweet mixed together go for the Monster Pop Mix. If they’re looking for chewy and sweet then go for the Monster Sweet Mix. In my honest opinion, I would buy both so that your child has a choice depending upon their snacking mood. My children LOVED both mixes and give both a big 2-thumb’s up!

You can learn more about Jaxs Monster Mix Snacks by visiting the company’s website online. You can connect with the brand on Facebook and Instagram. Sign-up for the company’s email newsletter to receive a discount on your first purchase.

Disclaimer: Jenelle received a complimentary product as featured in this blog post. Jenelle’s thoughts and words are 100% her own unbiased opinion on the company & products being featured today. The Two Classy Chics are not responsible for prize shipment or fulfillment. This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through an affiliate link, we may make a small commission which helps to support this website. Thanks!