4 Tips to Boost Dating Confidence from Love Expert Evan Marc Katz
Dating coach and love expert Evan Marc Katz says that the most valuable asset in dating is confidence. Without it, you accept undesirable behavior, waste precious time in dead-end relationships, and are gloomy about your chances of finding love.
However, a confident woman can attract men who respect her and strive to make her happy. Feeling confident allows you to be more socially active and approachable. That is how you become more appealing and energetically alluring to good men.
If you are wondering how you can have the confidence to find a happy relationship, you should avoid taking bad dating advice.
This article will discuss four relationship coaching tips to build confidence, as revealed by dating coach and love expert Evan Marc Katz.
Stop Settling for the Wrong Qualities
Stop settling for men with red flags. The ability to compromise is the characteristic of an excellent partner. However, if you are excusing everything about that person, including how they treat you, you are settling for something that will not last.
Dating coach Evan Marc Katz emphasizes determining the difference between attractive and essential qualities. Focusing more on the latter is the key to finding a lasting relationship. These important qualities include the following:
* easygoing,
* supportive,
* honest,
* stable,
* consistent,
* happy,
* selfless, and
* fun.
Many people are afraid of being alone, so they stick with someone who acts and treats them like garbage. Stop making future partner choices based on the fear of missing out on a relationship.
If you want unconditional love and a healthy relationship, focus on finding quality men.
Be the CEO of Your Love Life
A committed relationship is a two-way street. A man can’t treat you in any way if you don’t let him.
One of the most valuable pieces of dating coaching advice that Evan Marc Katz gives is becoming the CEO of your dating life.
Instead of viewing yourself as a helpless, unemployed intern pleading for the favor of rich, confident, and attractive men, position yourself as the CEO.
Most women use dating apps to get a jumpstart on dating. Yet, successful women can still become disappointed after their first date.
When you’re the CEO, men are auditioning to be your boyfriend. If one doesn’t make a continuous effort to show up to work every day, he won’t win the job — no matter how excellent his credentials are.
There are a million men out there. The natural assumption is that everyone would want to work for you. You should not fear or feel scarcity to put strange guys on a pedestal, believing that time is running out and this is the best you can do.
Finding love and building a healthy relationship starts with yourself. If you act as the CEO, you can run your life — including romance.
Act Confidently
If men admire one thing, it’s confidence. You don’t have to be stunningly beautiful to be considered seductive by men. But, you must be confident.
Dating coach and love personal trainer Evan Marc Katz says there is a big difference between believing you’re brilliant, gorgeous, and accomplished and acting confidently with guys in real life.
Being gorgeous and impressive may win you a date, but establishing healthy limits will make him respect you and want a committed relationship with you.
Always Assume That the Answer Is Yes
You may call it ego, but to be confident, you should never think that your dates can do better.
When it comes to dating, you must believe in yourself like you should believe in yourself when looking for a job.
Thus, anytime you go on a date from now on, you assume the following:
* You smite him.
* He desires to sleep with you.
* He is interested in dating you.
* He wishes to commit to you.
The only thing left to decide is whether or not you are interested in him. If he does not contact you for a second date, it’s his loss! That is what it means to assume a yes answer.
It’s an endless reservoir of confidence that gets you through tough times and helps you rise when you see men you like.
Remember, you are the prize. It’s the guy’s fault if he’s too foolish to figure it out.
Men will treat you accordingly if you presume the response is yes and start acting like it.
Become the Person You Want to Attract
Think of the guys you find most appealing. They are the men who automatically assume the answer is yes. These men are those who do the following:
* Calls to schedule a date,
* Phones you the next day to invite you out again,
* Makes the first daring move to kiss you,
* He offers to remove his profile since he knows you’re drawn to him.
Having supreme confidence will make a significant impact on your relationships. Try these dating tips from Love U dating coach and expert Evan Marc Katz to help you gain confidence and succeed in the dating world.