Tips on Using Credit Cards Safely While Shopping
It’s a dangerous time out there and there’s a lot of fraud going on when it comes to shopping. You need to be extremely careful when using your credit card to pay for purchases at retail stores and while shopping online. Here’s a few tips on how you can use credit cards safely while shopping.
* It’s better to use a credit card than a debit card when doing any online or offline shopping because they have better fraud protection than debit cards issued from a bank.
* Always make sure the information printed on your credit card is accurate and correct after receiving a new card. Check the spelling of your name, your account numbers, PIN, etc. In addition, make sure you sign the back of the card with permanent ink and make sure your name is legible (not a scribble).
* Consider using a Credit Card Verification Program that is typically offered by major brands (Visa, Mastercard and Discover). This type of service offers an additional layer of protection. It’s a special password that you set up and will have to enter every time you use your card.
* Don’t carry more cards than what you’ll need for the day. Lock the extra cards up at home in a safe place. After using the card, place it immediately back into your wallet or handbag. Don’t place it into a pocket where it can fall out and become lost.
* If you’re shopping online, make sure your shopping on a reputable and secure site. You’ll know that you’re logged into that site securely when you see https:// and not http:// in your browser’s address bar. After your done on that site, make sure you log completely out. Never store your user ID or password for that particular site on your electronic device. Write it down on paper and securely store the information until you need it again.
* Before signing any physical transaction receipts, go over the information that is printed on it. Make sure the date, name of the retailer and the amount of your purchase is correct. Never blindly just sign your name!
* Carry your cards in a RFID protected wallet, handbag, or RFID card holder. This will prevent thieves from scanning your card information with a hand-held scanner or cellphone.
* Check your statement on a weekly basis if you use your card a lot. If not, check it every 3-4 weeks for any unauthorized charges.
Financial crimes and credit card fraud are on the rise. Be an informed consumer and take precautions when you shop.
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