Strong Fathers Strong Daughters – A Heartfelt Story

Strong Fathers Strong DaughtersStrong Fathers Strong Daughters is a heartwarming story that you’ll want to add to your movie viewing list. It’s available for purchase and VOD starting on December 13th, 2022. Just in-time for holiday gift-giving. Here’s some information about this charming film.

* Post may contain affiliate links. Check out the official movie trailer below. This looks like a great family-friendly film.

SYNOPSIS: When a wealthy businessman learns of his daughter’s sudden engagement to a missionary, he embarks on a quest to keep her closer to home. But when his efforts go awry, he must reconsider what it means to be a strong father. A heartfelt journey of a parent who is desperately trying to hold on to his children learns to trust in God with their future instead of controlling his daughter’s narrative. The movie explores the widely relatable challenges and joys of parenting and faith.

Both set of couples, respectively playing Steve and Connie (Bart Johnson and Robyn Lively) and Carlos and Bella (David Barrera and Maria Canals-Barrera), are also married in real life. Just like their characters, they are raising children of their own, resulting in an on-screen dynamic that feels authentic and meaningful.

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