Do you want to make your home more sustainable but are worried about the cost of green home improvements?
While sustainable solutions are known for being expensive, there are in fact a whole host of ways that you can make your home eco-friendlier without blowing your budget. From the use of solar panel energy to the addition of wall insulation, read on to discover 5 ways that you can make your home more sustainable this year and beyond.
1. Install sustainable flooring
Not as costly as you might think, sustainable flooring options such as reclaimed wood offer so many benefits for you, your family, and your home. For one, wood that is salvaged from old structures such as barns and older buildings can be beautifully restored and reused in your home when otherwise it would have ended up in a landfill.
Furthermore, as this type of flooring is not manufactured, it doesn’t contain many of the chemicals that other flooring types do and, instead, can actively help to improve the air quality in your home.
Other sustainable flooring options include bamboo, cork, and recycled glass.
2. Insulate your home
If your home does not have sufficient insulation, you are highly likely to lose a lot of heat through the walls, doors, and roof. Not only can this cause your energy bills to go through the roof, but it is also not good for the environment. Fortunately, there are several sustainable options when it comes to insulating your home, such as sheep’s wool, cork, and recycled paper.
3. Invest in solar panels
Although a slightly more expensive sustainable solution, solar energy can save you a lot of money on your annual energy bills in the long term. Enabling you to generate clean and pure energy directly from the sun, solar panels offer one of the most effective ways to reduce household energy use and your reliance on the grid.
If you would like to learn more about installing a solar panel system on your roof and how it can help your home become more sustainable, visit for more information and expert advice.
4. Install a smart thermostat
If you want to be able to monitor your energy consumption and find out where you can cut back, then a smart thermostat is a great investment. These handy devices can be easily installed and allow you to control the climate of your home via your mobile phone.
You can adjust your energy requirements based on your schedule and peak and low usage times to save money for the planet!
5. Buy energy-efficient appliances
Another super simple way to make your home more sustainable is to switch to more energy-efficient appliances. If you are on a tight budget, start with small items such as your kettle and toaster, and then, in time, try to switch to an energy-efficient fridge-freezer and oven.
Energy star-certified appliances use as much as 50% less energy than uncertified ones, so they are well worth the investment if you can afford to make the change.