Hand Painted Seashell Angel Christmas Tree Ornament

Hand Painted Seashell Angel Christmas Tree OrnamentThis hand painted seashell angel Christmas tree ornament is really easy to make! You can make several of them in just one weekend! Once completed they look beautiful hanging on a coastal themed Christmas tree, used at package toppers, hung off the handles of gift bags, hanging from a peg knob, or use them wrapped around cloth napkins on your holiday dinner table.

You can paint them any color that you would like! I recommend staying away from “green” so that they show up on the branches of the Christmas tree. You can use E6000 Adhesive Glue or Gorilla Glue to assemble them. I don’t recommend hot glue because it doesn’t adhere well to shells. You’ll find over 100+ Seashell Craft Projects on the TwoClassyChics blog!

Hand Painted Seashell Angel Christmas Tree Ornament

Scallop Seashell
2 Medium Clam Shells
1 Small Clam Shell
Acrylic Craft Paint
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
E6000 Adhesive Glue
Clear Fishing Line
Scrap of 1/8″ Wide Satin Ribbon
Sheet of Aluminum Foil

Lay down a sheet of aluminum foil. You need a non-stick surface to lay the shells on to dry once painted.

Start by painting the scallop shell, then the 2 clam shells to serve as wings and the smaller clam shell for the head. You can add hair and facial features if desired. I liked them plain. I had to use 2-3 coats of paint with 35-45 minutes of drying time between each coat to get the coverage that I needed. I left the underside of each shell unpainted and natural.

Use the glue to adhere the angel wings onto the scallop shell first. They should sit right onto the lip of the scallop shell. Add the head next with it sitting on top of the two wings as shown in the photograph. Be generous with the amount of glue that you’re using. Let dry overnight.

Cut a 6″ piece of clear fishing line. Knot the 2 ends together to form a loop. Cut a 5″ piece of satin ribbon and tie it into a bow. Glue the hanging loop onto the back of the head and the satin ribbon bow right underneath the head at the neck area. Let dry for several hours. That’s it, you’re done!

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